Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Living Life...

 Say hello to my sweaty shirt!  Yuck!  Lucky you guys, you get to see a nice sweaty pic of me after my long run today.  45 minute run.  4.01 miles.  11:25 pace.  I was on the treadmill and boy oh boy was I trying to trick myself mentally into thinking running was fun.  Let's be honest.  Running isn't fun.  I was also wishing I was outside tonight because I kept getting loogies (is that how you spell it?) and I couldn't just spit them out.  It was a tough run.  But you know what...the bad runs are what make the good runs good.  So I guess I'm gonna stop complaining and move on =) besides tomorrow is Yoga day.  I like Yoga days...they are easy!

 In other news, I was taking the turkey out of the oven on Easter Day and burned myself.  I was far too lazy to let my arm sit under the water for 20 minutes so of course it proceeded to blister.  Which I accidentally popped drying off after a shower. *sigh*  This is why it is just soo much easier to have people cook for me instead.  I don't have the best track records with burns...

Now for the fun stuff!  On Friday I am making the trek to good ol' Valentine, NE.  A flock of my near and dear friends live there.  We are going to an exhibit called Lipstick and Line Drives on Saturday.  It's about women's baseball and I am pumped!  It will be nice to get away.  But right now my bed is calling my name.  Good night all. 


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cleaning Out My Closet...

 Garage sale coming up this weekend.  I went through all my clothes and purged anything I haven't worn in a year, that was too big, or just fit funny.  Oh, boy I think I have a shopping issue, cause the closet is still full! 

This picture is from last year around this time.  Hooray for weight loss!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Run!

                                                                        Dude, I am white!

Spring is here! (Kind of) I have been trying to work up the courage to go for an outdoor run. You see when I run on the treadmill…it keeps going. Therefore, my legs have to keep going. We had a spell of nice weather and I had thought to myself that next weekend I would go for a run outside. Then it decided to rain, snow, and get really cold again for two weeks. That was all I needed to keep me indoors.

Well, today was absolutely beautiful out! I had eaten way too much Easter food and was definitely due for a run. So I worked up my courage again and enlisted some support, my little bro. Lately he has been on a “health” kick. I guess I am rubbing off on him. Ha! I didn’t have a clue of how far any sort of “route” was around my house but knew I wanted to run for about 35 minutes in zone 3 which I figured would be around 3 miles since I didn’t know if I would be able to keep a pace.

We ended up running a loop 3 times. After the second loop Adam asked how many more we were going to do ‘cause he could run faster. I told him to go for it and I would eventually make it home. Well, he pulled ahead of me for about 5 minutes and then all of a sudden I was ahead of him. I thought maybe he was trying to be nice, but later found out that all of a sudden he had gotten really tired. So we finished lap 3 and headed home. We ended 2 minutes shy of 35 minutes but I figured it wasn’t bad for guesstimating time and distance.

Being the curious girl that I am =) we went back over the route in the car. Adam was pretty excited since he just got his permit. I let him drive and only held my breath three times! We are going to work on slowing down before turns and turning into our own lane…

Anywho, the route was about 2.8 miles, probably a tad more. I felt good during the whole run even though I was pretty sure I was running as slow as a snail. I could have done another mile easy but anything beyond that would have been pushing it I think! So, my calculations lead me to believe I was running around a 11:20 min mile. That makes me a very happy girl =) Now if only the weather will stay!!

I hope you all had a blessed Easter. Alleluia! He is risen!!!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

I think I'll go to Boston...

Ok, not really but that is what pops into my head when I think about tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the Boston Marathon!  Yup that would be where all the those really fit people run insanely fast for 26.2 miles.  So being the curious girl that I am, I wondered what the qualifying time was for my age/gender. 

3hrs 40min

Can we say, Holy Moses Batman!!!  If my calculations are correct that is about an 8:40 pace...for 26.2 miles.  I can't even run an eight minute mile let alone for 26.2 miles.  I do have to say that it would be pretty awesome to run a marathon cause then you could say you were a "marathoner" but I'm pretty sure that would be the only cool part about it.  Not only do you have to be physically fit but just think of how mentally fit you would need to be to finish!  All I have to say is...I'll work on it ; )

In other news, I have completed two of my new workouts from the trainer.  I am very sore and I thought I might die during arms and legs but otherwise all is good.  I am scheduled for another new workout tomorrow, if I all know what happened. 

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Eventually we will get some warmer weather...someday.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Today I am thankful for:

1)  My little brother and his computer cord.  You see I have a tendency to go through computer cords like they are going out of style.

2)  A much needed weekend with some amazing women.  My heart was so full when I left. 

3)  New workouts.  Met with the trainer this A.M.  Ran through my new AB, Arms, and Legs workouts.  Dare I say I feel like this will be easier?  Ok, probably will just be a different kind of hard...a lot of plyometrics!  Eeek!

4)  The sun!  Oh, how I have missed you!

5)  Productiveness.  Doesn't happen every day ya know!  

Tomorrow is a new day.  It is Adam's first baseball game.  I am praying for beautiful weather and that mom is feeling up to going to the game.  Sleep tight world!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Where have I been?  I really don't know to tell you the truth.  I have a very not-so-much-exciting life.  The days have been mundane and I have really been lacking motivation to do pretty much anything.  My room is...absolutely disgusting and the bathroom is getting there.  Once again I am deeming tomorrow as "Clean Every Surface Day".  I should really throw in "Organize" too.  But lets be honest, I don't want to get over zealous. 

My workouts have been going well.  It makes me happy that I am a little sore the day after even though I am doing the same weight lifting routines every other week.  My runs have been good.  I never thought I would say this...but running is actually quite addicting.  Do I have to talk myself into doing it still?  Yes!  Do I think about how much work it is as I do it?  Of course!  But here is the kicker... Do I feel amazing/accomplished afterwards?  That's a heck yes!   That feeling keeps me coming back for more. 

Back in the day when I used to make fun of people who ran for fun, it really hurt me to run.  Seriously, my lungs burned, my legs became tired after two seconds, and I thought my heart was going to pump right out of my chest.  That doesn't happen anymore.  Well, most of the time it doesn't.  On Monday, during my sprint workout, I was almost positive that I was either going to A) throw up or B) pass out.  Guess what?  I am just melodramatic.  I didn't do either.  I kicked that run in the butt finishing it...looking like I was going to die...but finishing none the less.  My heart is getting stronger and I am getting stronger and it definitely shows in my runs. 

Nutrition wise...I have blown it, yet again.  I don't know what it is about sweets and treats but they have me under their spells.  It is a good thing I am burning some major calories at the gym or I would have gained 10 lbs. by now.  But on the flipside I think about the results I could be seeing if I was eating properly and working out like a mad women.  Can we say weight loss?!  *Sigh*  They say knowledge is power.  Now if I was only smart enough or had the self control to follow through on this!  

Sorry, this post has become extremely long.  Excuse my ramblings...this is what happens when you don't blog for a few days.  You'll have a great night.
