Sunday, July 17, 2011

2 miles...

Yesterday's training plan called for a 20 min. run in zone 3.  I was really excited cause twenty minutes is nothing these days.  I thought about running outside but opened the front door and couldn't breathe.  So to the treadmill I went.  It was the end of the week so none of my normal workout clothes were clean.  So I ended up wearing shorts that were too big for me and a yoga top...which usually I hate running in cause they ride up.  Thank you fat stomach.  Despite my horrible outfit choice...I had an absolutely amazing run. 

Before I started I had mentally told myself I was going to push myself.  Well, I started my 7 minute warm-up increased the speed to past what I normally do, maintained that for about 10 or so minutes.  Checked my heart rate.  Hmmm. Still not high enough.  Checked my heart rate strap, wiggled it around to make sure it was working properly.  Increased my speed.  I was already at about 20 minutes but I felt so awesome that I figured I might as well finish out the mile.  Increased my speed.  Not going to lie.  These two miles were probably the best run I have ever had.  I could have kept running but decided not to since I knew what I had waiting for me on Monday.  Thank God for good runs...they make all the bad runs totally worth it!  (and in ill fitting clothes, nonetheless!)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Deck O' Death...

So, I met with my trainer yesterday for my monthly meeting.  I had e-mailed her before the meeting to warn her that she was probably going to be yelling at me but didn't elaborate why.  Got up at 7:15 ish to drag my arse there by 8:00 a.m.  The idea of working out at that point was not appealing.  At. all.   Of course, she asked me how things were going and why she was going to yell at me.  I just handed her my less than half filled out workout log.  Amazingly enough she didn't yell.  She did ask how I was sleeping, which I was very happy to report...much, much, better.  She was happy to hear that and figured I had probably been on my way to chronic fatigue syndrome...ok, I don't remember if that was the name of it but something like it.  Basically, she said it was probably good I backed off on my training and that if I had two nights in a row where I wasn't sleeping to let her know right away. 

So, anyway, we discussed how busy I have been with school and how it was easier to get my runs in cause I had a treadmill right at home and didn't have to take the time to drive to the gym as I would for lifting.  Her face lit up and she asked me if I had ever heard of the Deck of Death workout.  I gave her that look that I really wanna hear about it?  She explained that she uses it when she travels.  And since I didn't need a new strength program (cause I only did last months once, GASP!) she said she would teach me that.  Note to self:  Never ever skip your regular strength work outs again!

Ok, here is a rundown on the rules.  Obviously there are different variations out there and you can pretty much do what you want.

Each suit stands for a specific body part, that way you get a full body work out.  Otherwise you can just designate the suits for two specific body parts if you are trying to focus on something.  You pick one exercise from each suit. Cards are face value and Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, Kings are 13, and Aces are 14.  You go through the whole deck or for an hour.  I had about 10 cards left yesterday...probably because I spent a lot of time whining to the trainer so I could rest a little...that and I had a 7 minute warm-up. 

Hearts: (arms) push-ups, walking push-ups, judo push-ups, row push-ups, wide push-ups, bench dips, bear crawl, crab walk, twist-up push-ups, diamond push-ups), dolphin push-ups

Spades: (legs) lunges, double lunges, squats, squat holds, wall sits, squat jumps (optional + 1 legged jumps for single digits), lunge jumps

Diamonds: (abs) sit-ups, triple sit-ups, v-ups, bicycles, butterfly kicks, jackknives, crunches, side crunches, rockies

Clubs: (cardio) sprints, burpees, squat jumps, jump rope, mountain climbers, high knees, sets of stairs

Not going to lie.  It kind of sounds easy but it is really, really, really hard!  This is what I felt like when I was done.

Not three hours after the workout I was already feeling sore.  And boy, oh boy, can I feel it today. 
P.S.  She tried to get me to do Burpees yesterday and I flat out refused.  I'm kind of  a snot like that.  But I was already dying and I figured if I was going to continue to die I was going to do it with some other form of torture that I appreciate more! 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

In a Funk...

Is this not the coolest thing you have ever seen?  I pretty much love it and may try to reproduce it while doodling in class...with no success, I'm sure!  

Anyway,  I don't have anything exciting to share.  In fact this post is going to be quite the opposite.  So, 4th of July weekend, right?!  I should be totally stoked I get an extra day off school and blah, blah, blah.  That is exactly how I feel is BLAH! 

Friday I went to Bunker Beach with Britt.  Nothing like laying in the sun for four or so hours.  Normally I would be ecstatic about this.  I'll admit I was pretty excited and I did get a nice burn/tan but I was just kind of out of it.  Did absolutely nothing Friday night on my long list of  "to dos". 

Saturday.  I was supposed to work out cause I skipped on Friday cause I'm LAZY!  But I was in a major funk.  I was in one of those moods where in high school I would have asked my friends if you could be depressed if I knew I was depressed.  I really don't think I'm depressed, maybe just down.  Anyway, woke up at 8:00 a.m. and did absolutely nothing until noon.  Decided that maybe if I showered there would be life in me and I could be a normal human.  Eh, it kind of worked.  I left the house cause I figured it couldn't hurt.  But what do you do when you have no one to hang out with in the area.  You go shopping.  Hello retail therapy.  I did purchase 6 tank tops for around $12.  I'm awesome I know, but even that didn't make me feel better.  Got home and then mom wanted to go shopping.  At that point I had decided I was going to the gym but she was excited so I nixed the gym...once again...and went shopping with her.  Still felt lame.  Watched TV that night and went to bed. 

Today.  Feeling a little better.  Went to church.  Bought some groceries.  Worked on a paper.  Made some brownies.  Worked on a paper some more.  Watched a little TV with mom.  Need to run today!!!! 

So, here is what I would like to complete before the end of Monday:

Clean my bathroom.  I share with my bro and it is so disgusting I can barely stand it.  I NEVER let my bathroom get this bad...usually I am anal!

I would really like to finish both of my papers but realistically if I could finish the history paper and start the research paper my life would be so much nicer this week.

Laundry.  I don't have any clean shorts.  Or pants for that matter.  Hmm, come to think of it I need to do this tonight so I have some clothes to wear tomorrow!

Pick up my room.  This usually happens when I do laundry.  But I have a half unpacked bag sitting in the middle of my room from my trip last weekend and beach towels from my Friday's excursion laying on the floor.  Driving me nuts.  It's a miracle I have been able to get any paper writing done. 

This is probably the most important.  I need an attitude adjustment.  I've been positive self-talking myself up the wazoo with little results.  Sometimes I just think we need to go to that dark place so we can appreciate the happy times...right?! 

I have been scheduling my work outs and then coming up with every excuse under the sun not to do them.  It's pathetic.  I know better and my body deserves better.  Now if only I could get my body and mind in sync and I'd be in business.  Oh, my trainer is not going to be happy with me! 

So, yeah, this is what is on my mind.  A lot of nothing and a lot of everything.  Encouraging words and motivation are welcomed!!!
